About Luke 'Floofinator' Thomson
Interests and Goals
My interests in general revolve around the use of technical skills for creative works. I am constantly learning how technical mediums can be used to teach and entertain.
I wish to work on genuine projects with a passionate team who can make things into a reality. I enjoy creating immersive worlds and experiences to be viewed and interacted with. My hope is to prove that video games can be an impactful medium for art.

Skills and Qualifications
- Advanced Unity, Godot
- C, C++, C#, Java, lua, GDScript, HLSL, GLSL
- HTML, CSS, Javascript (You are looking at it right now!)
- Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Socket.io
- Advanced Blender, Basic Maya
- Character modeling art style replication and optimization for games
- Character rigging and texturing
- Materials and shader programming
- Drawing skills in construction, gesture, shape language, composition, and perspective
- Character design, environment design, world building
- Basic Level design
- Basic music theory and production skills.
- 5+ years Game dev experience
- Long standing Florida Polytechnic Media Club member, previous Vice President
- Technical Artist on ENA: Dream BBQ doing shaders, modelling, animation, and general asset creation and integration
- Currently studying Game Design and Development. 4-year path Senior Year
- Many released game prototypes and current large game project in development during my free time
- Participation in many “Game Jams” including GTMK Game Jams for 2019, 2020, and 2021
- Participation in my University's Media Club Game Jams for Spring and Fall 2021, 2022 and 2023